понеділок, 11 листопада 2013 р.

London Top Ten Travel Attractions

 Watch this video and do the task!


1. What top ten attractions in London are mentioned? Can you name them?
2. Which mistake does Naomi make in the name of one of the London attractions? Can you correct it?
3. What do you know about each of the attractions? Be ready to say 2-3 sentences.
4. Which three attractions mentioned in the text would you like to see? Why? Give your reasons.

Всеукраїнська олімпіада з англійської мови "Олімпус" (осіння сесія)

8 листопада 2013 року 20 учнів 10-11 класів Львівського ліцею менеджменту взяли участь у Всеукраїнській олімпіаді «Олімпус», яку організовав ТзОВ «Інститут розвитку шкільної освіти» (ІРШО).

                                                        Чекаємо на результати! 

On November 8, 2013 the All-Ukrainian Olympiad "Olympus" was held in Lviv High School of Management. Twenty students of form 10 and 11 took part in it.

We are waiting for our results!


неділю, 10 листопада 2013 р.

The Cooperative Writing Project "A Day in the Life of Ukraine 4"

For Students of Groups 21,22, 31 and 32!!! 


Please, READ This!!!!

A cooperative writing project in Ukraine

A Day in the Life of Ukraine 4! December, 1st, 2013

Get involved!

If you are in Ukraine on December 1st, 2013 you are invited to participate. Ukrainians, foreign citizens, children, adults… all are welcome!
  1. On December 1, 2013, write a piece that shares your experience of that day. The writing must be in English, true, and your original work. However, this piece of writing may take any form– an essay, a poem, a letter, whatever.
  2. Submit your piece by December 7th, following the SPECIFICS instructions below, to adayinthelifeofukraine@gmail.com.
  3. The best pieces will be published and shared, and authors will receive electronic certificates.
A. Submit your typed work in the body of an email [copy and paste]. Please do not send scanned copies or separate files.
B. Before your piece of writing, please include the following information:

  • Your full name [first and last]:
  • Your name, as you would like it to appear online (M. Krut OR Melissa K. OR Melissa Krut):
  • Your location [village/ town/ city AND oblast]:
    OPTIONAL [may appear online, unless you request otherwise]:
  • Your age:
  • Your occupation:
  • Where/how did you hear about this project?
  • Any comments you have about this project:
C. If you wish, you have the opportunity to include one photo as an attached file. This may be a picture of you, or of some other part of your daily life, but it must be a picture that you or a friend took– not a picture from the internet, for example. We’re not sure if we will be able to include all of these pictures online, but if so, we will try!
Teachers, invite your students to participate! Students, tell your teachers– and your parents! Share with your friends across the country!
Questions? E-mail us at adayinthlifeofukraine@gmail.com

For more information visit this site: A Day in the Life of Ukraine 4